GroundingBooth: Grounding Text-to-Image Customization

1Washington University in St. Louis, 2Adobe, 3Purdue University

We propose GroundingBooth, a framework for grounded text-to-image customization. GroundingBooth supports: (a) grounded single-subject customization, and (b) multi-subjects and text entities joint grounded customization, achieving joint grounding of subject-driven foreground and text-driven background generation with identity preservation and text-image alignment.


Recent studies in text-to-image customization show great success in generating personalized object variants given several images of a subject. While existing methods focus more on preserving the identity of the subject, they often fall short of controlling the spatial relationship between objects. In this work, we introduce GroundingBooth, a framework that achieves zero-shot instance-level spatial grounding on both foreground subjects and background objects in the text-to-image customization task. Our proposed text-image grounding module and masked cross-attention layer allow us to generate personalized images with both accurate layout alignment and identity preservation while maintaining text-image coherence. With such layout control, our model inherently enables the customization of multiple subjects at once. Our model is evaluated on both layout-guided image synthesis and reference-based customization tasks, showing strong results compared to existing methods. Our work is the first work to achieve a joint grounding of both subject-driven foreground generation and text-driven background generation.



An overview of our proposed framework. It is divided into two steps: (1) Feature extraction. We use CLIP encoder and DINOv2 encoder to extract text and image embeddings respectively, and use our proposed grounding module to extract the grounding tokens. (2) Foreground-background cross-attention control in each transformer block of U-Net. During training, we use dataset with single reference object. In inference stage, the pipeline allows feature injection of multiple reference objects through copied masked cross-attention layers. Our work is the first attempt that introduces precise grounding in the customized image synthesis task, which jointly controls the size and location for both the image-driven foreground objects and text-driven background, adaptively harmonizing the poses of the reference objects as well as faithfully preserving their identity.


Grounding Module of our proposed framework. Our grounding module takes both the prompt-layout pairs and reference object-layout pairs as input. For the foreground reference object, both CLIP text token and the DINOv2 image class token are utilized.


Pipeline of our proposed masked cross-attention. Q, K, and V are image query, key, and value respectively, and A is the affinity matrix.